Brighton Pictures

Brighton Pictures

Monday 29 September 2008

What Does Craft And Conception Mean?

I watched Jan Kouren by Gisele Kerozene and it was done by stop/start animation and I noticed that this was a crafted piece of experimental video because it had no idea, but it was all done using a crafted piece of software. It was used by people jumping up and down on the broomsticks but we don't see them jumping we see them riding on the broomsticks. This video was a non-diegetic sound with people on ther brooms yelling noises. The story in this crafted piece was a race with witches, I call it "Wacky Witch Races". This was a time consuming video which would of lasted for hours trying to get the video together. It almost looked like a cartoon because it was energetic and comical in a strange way. So craft means doing with your "hands". In my opinion crafting is an easier way of doing an experimental video.

Later I watched Girl Chewing Gum Directed by John Smith. This was a more concept idea which used a diegetic and non-diegetic audio. It was nine minutes long and it was a man narrating the whole thing. But at first I thought he was a man directing. Basically, it was a man who wanted to play with the realism on t.v which was simple in the time it was made, the 1970's. So concept means what the reason was behind a persons project and here it was a experimental video, narrating and showing that it was used in a non-diegetic way in the end, because at the end of the video we saw a field of the same sound which was used in a town centre.

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