Brighton Pictures

Brighton Pictures

Monday 29 September 2008

My Comparison and Review Of Jan Kouren And Girl Chewing Gum

When I first saw Girl Chewing Gum I thought that it was quite inspiring because at first I thought that John Smith, the director was directing people on the street such as "woman walk past from the left and rub your eyes". It was nine minutes long and thought it could drag on but it was actually, surprisingly dragged me in, trying to think of what was going on.

Girl Chewing Gum was non-diegetic but I thought that Jan Kouren by Gisele Kerozene was a diegetic, just like I thought that Girl Chewing Gum was a diegetic but a matter of fact, both were non-diegetic and added on in editing. Girl Chewing Gum was a black and white and very different.

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