Brighton Pictures

Brighton Pictures

Tuesday 30 September 2008

1001 Nights and Koyanisquatsi Review

I didn't really think much about 1001 nights but I know that it exceeds in an experimental video, directed by Janane- Al- Ani.

I think that the six minute video was very plain and cheap which what the director wanted it was all diegetic and the women who were in the video were talking about wars and rhino's which I thought was weird. But then I understood that it represented wars in iraq. And I thought that the video was about dreams and fear.

After the video I felt very empty and intrigued by what the director wanted but now I know.


This film was made in 1983 and I thought that it was very clever how Goddrey Reggio did the speed ups and down. Helped by Francis Ford Coppolla, this was very engaging and I tried to put my self in an audience in 1983 and I think I would be really confused. But I understood it straight away because it started slow and in the middle it was energetic, rushed and fast- paced. And at the end I saw a rocket blowing up.

So after the film I knew that this cinematic experiment represented a persons life abd the cycles. I really liked it because I have never seen anything like before.

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