Brighton Pictures

Brighton Pictures

Monday 15 December 2008


My Video Evaluation

My video went as well as I planned to make it a good representation of life and to have the style and almost the feel of Koyanisquatsi. My production week was also successful as I got every shot I needed for it and it was easier than I thought as I predicted to film around the mall and in the memorial gardens to be difficult because they are public areas and could be interrupted by them if they walked into my shot but it turned out to be good timing as I didn’t. As I headed into college after all my shots were achieved from my storyboard, I did slightly regret that I didn’t have enough shots and camera angles of people and traffic but as I looked back at my tape it was enough. As I looked back I did first think to myself that maybe they weren’t as good as I thought because Koyanisquatsi’s angles were better because they had a wider range of close ups, long shots and high angles but as I put my clips in order I was happy with what I achieved that day.

A few years ago I visited the Tate and I saw a video, in which I saw a man singing to himself on a chair and moving his legs and they rewound the tape and it was like he was getting electrocuted. Which I thought at the time was quite scary and in my experimental video I wanted to do this as part of an example of death. But my first time of shooting this it didn’t go to plan because I did it in T46 and there were chairs in the shot and I didn’t like the lighting as I thought that it was too plain. In my last day of production week I set up the lights and had a blue filter in front of the key light ( I had only one light) which was made to look mysterious, I was thinking of having red as it is a colour of death but this an electrocution scene and electric reminds me of a blue colour. I got someone to switch the light off and on at the beginning to emphasise when it plays back that he is dying. I was pleased at the production stage of this but not in the post-production as I tried to reverse this and it worked and it was harder than I thought but after many attempts I made it good enough by speeding it up and adding an effect in to it. I also reversed other clips such as the traffic and the traffic lights; this was no hassle and looked good for my ending of the video.

I decided to extract the audio of all my clips except my traffic scene at the beginning. I thought that to have no audio would be strangely better for my exhibition because I think that the concept of my video is more visual and to have any audio would be taking the concept away. Although I feel that I should of added audio over my electric chair scene, I should have downloaded a man singing as in my production I couldn’t get the actor to sing and also if he did then that would mess up my clip because I speeded it up. And I possibly should have had a man screaming as my audio when he looks like his getting electrocuted but I decided not to which I feel was a mistake.
Overall I was very pleased with my video as it exceeded in my Koyanisquatsi style and life cycles and I had no real problems with my production or the post-production.

My Exhibition Evaluation

I planned to show my video in a college classroom on the fourth floor which I planned since day one because I couldn’t think of anywhere else to suit my concept my video and because it was an easy access to gain college members, I decided that this was the easiest way and also the best. But even though I originally thought that this was a good location, other people had shown their own videos in the same classroom but I feel that they had a better choice to exhibit their video. My exhibition went well although I didn’t have much of an audience- I only had six people attend. But I was relieved that people did come and watch it and most of them took part in my questionnaire. When I looked at the audience it seemed that they enjoyed it and they didn’t get distracted by anything or lose interest, which I didn’t want to happen. I think I was laid back on my exhibition plan because I did write in my synopsis that the audience can sit down if they want and I feel that I didn’t need to be strict with my plan because my video can be anything and everything in people’s mind so I thought that it’s up to them. And they chose to sit but I wanted to make them slightly uneasy by the video in which some people were. What I thought in people’s expressions when they were watching the video was right because they said these things in my questionnaire.

My exhibition plan went well although most people had the same ideas as me by choosing a classroom but as far as my video and exhibition plan went, it suited my video and I had a good enough audience.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Post Production Diary

I started editing on Monday in which successfully uploaded my film then started to put my clips
in order. That was all I did that day as we only had a couple of hours that day.

The next time I was on the Mac, I wanted the clips to be tinkered with, such as my “busy
people” clip. I wanted to emphasise at the time of my video the mid-life crisis and how it gets
busy by multiplying the number of squares as the clip goes on and I did it without any difficulty.
My electric chair scene was okay at the start, it was not how I planned it but I have put some
audio over the top with the person singing then the person screaming when his electrocuted,
this means an example of a death scene and wanted this particular clip in my video to show a bit
of craft in my video.

And on my last day of editing, I just added some finishing touches such as ordering my traffic clip
in the right place and then I simply put blackouts on to emphasise the concept of my video.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Production Diary

My production went really well for me because I helped John and Ben with their filming because I was acting in John's experimental and Ben wanted us to go to London Victoria to film there. Also I wanted to only film in Crawley so I targeted to film later in the week.

My first day of filming went okay, I got "laughter" from Ben and John in the college corridor but I also scheduled Ben for a elctric chair scene but it was poor and I decided to do that as my final scene in my production week.

Later on in the week and I got my filming done around Crawley which was in the memorial gardens and outside the mall to get some shots of traffic and a shot of some buildings. Overall on the day I was happy with all the shots I wanted, it was how I planned it.

The next day and it was my final one in which I planned to get Ben to do my scene with my electric chair and when it was done succesfully, I was very pleased my production week was completed and I was also pleased with how it went.

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